SALTS Herrera Nicotine Salts Peñas 10ml (6mg/12mg/20mg) Dokha Natural Tobacco Extract

>Ref SALES de Nicotina Herrera Peñas 20mg 10ml
Herrera presents Peñas in nicotine salts, a natural tobacco extract derived from the Dokha variety of tobacco that is grown in the Middle East and mainly in Iran. This tobacco is dried in the desert and then chopped and crushed, and placed in airtight containers to preserve freshness and flavor. It has a slightly spicy and earthy touch.

Nicotine salts are liquids with high concentrations of nicotine (18mg or 20mg) recommended for use in Pods, because thanks to salt you satiate with little amount and the throat punch is soft.
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4.50 5.50
There are 206 units available