Bombo and El Mono Vapeador REQUIEM 1 50ml (0mg)

>Ref Bombo y El Mono Vapeador REQUIEM 1 50ml (0mg)
Mono Ejuice
The Requiem 1 liquid from El Mono Vapeador & Bombo tastes like carrot cake with a silky layer of Mascarpone cream cheese with dried fruit shavings, which surrounds a fluffy sponge cake with crushed carrot and filled with white chocolate.

E-liquid manufactured by 100% Spanish premium quality BOMBO

The 50ml-0mg format comes without nicotine, you can add nicokits to get liquid with nicotine

- If you add a 10ml 9mg/nicotine nicotine you will have 60ml with 1.5mg/nicotine

- If you add a 10ml nicotine 10mg/nicotine you will have 60ml with 1.6mg/nicotine

- If you add a 10ml 18mg/nicotine nicotine, you will have 60ml with 3mg/nicotine

- If you add a 10ml 20mg/nicotine nicotine, you will have 60ml with 3.3mg/nicotine

- If you add 2 nicokits of 10ml 20mg/nicotine you will have 70ml with 5,71mg/nicotine

You can buy your NICOKIT HERE

This product is no longer available
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Choose mg nicotine:
14.90 16.95
There are 99 units available