GTX Mesh Coils Vaporesso 0.2/0.3/0.4/0.6/0.8/1.2ohms (Normal and NEWS TRIPLE SILICONE) 1 coil
>Ref Resistencias GTX Mesh Coil Vaporesso 0.2/0.3/0.4/0
GTX Mesh Vaporesso Coils works for Target PM80 Vaporesso(sub-ohm)
- 0.2ohm MESH (from 45W to 60w)
- 0.3ohm MESH (from 32W to 45w)
- 0.4ohm MESH TRIPLE SILICONE (26 to 32W)
- 0.6ohm MESH - TRIPLE SILICONE (from 20W to 30w)
- 0.8ohm MESH (from 12W to 20w)
- 1.2ohm MESH (from 11W to 20w)
GTX Mesh 0.2 and 0.3 ohm: it works for Target PM80 y Target PM80 SE
GTX Mesh 0.6, 0.8 and 1.2 ohm: t works for Target PM80, Target PM80 SE, Target PM30 y GTX ONE.
Price for 1 coil , if you want the complete box, you have to buy 5 coils.
This product is no longer available